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Protest Israel Massachusetts Newton

## Protests in Massachusetts Over Israeli Apartheid ### Newton Protest Draws Hundreds Against Israeli Apartheid Hundreds of people rallied in Newton on Sunday to protest Israeli apartheid and to call for an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestine. The protest was organized by the Newton BDS (Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions) Coalition, a group that advocates for the boycott of Israeli goods and services to pressure Israel to end its occupation and to respect the rights of Palestinians. The protesters marched from the Newton City Hall to the Newton Public Library, chanting slogans such as "Free Palestine" and "Boycott Apartheid Israel." They also held signs that said "End the Occupation" and "Boycott Israel." A rally was held at the library, where speakers spoke out against Israeli apartheid and called for an end to the occupation. The speakers included Palestinian activist Omar Barghouti, Israeli human rights lawyer Michael Sfard, and U.S. activist Linda Sarsour. "We are here today to stand in solidarity with the Palestinian people," said Barghouti. "We are here to say that we will not tolerate the apartheid regime of Israel. We are here to say that we will not rest until the Palestinian people are free." "Israel's occupation of Palestine is a crime against humanity," said Sfard. "It is a system of oppression and discrimination that has denied the Palestinian people their basic rights for over 70 years. We must act now to end this occupation and to create a just and equitable peace for all."
